
According to Mark Roemer Oakland, people spend most of their time indoors. However, you’re always drawn outside to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of nature. There’s something about grass, greenery, bright flowers, and animals that relaxes and refreshes you. Let’s check out the benefits of landscaping.

The Benefits

1. Cooler surroundings

Even if you have a simple patch of green grass, it is going to be much cooler than a concrete or asphalt surface. You’ll be able to walk on it barefoot or lie on it while reading a book without risking your health. However, that’s not the only thing people have in their landscape. They have trees, shrubs, and bushes and all of them cast shade on your property.

This creates a cool micro climate in your yard and allows you to spend time outdoors even under the hot sun. If you can strategically place the trees around your home and prune them properly to cast shade everywhere without restricting airflow, you can bring down the air conditioning cost during the summer months by as much as 40 degrees.

2. Breathe fresh air and have cleaner water

A single tree creates enough fresh oxygen to support four people every day. That alone should be a good enough reason to make improvements to your landscape. Trees are also great for the environment. An average tree can remove around 26 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year.

That’s equivalent to the emissions you create while driving a car for around 11000 miles. Adding any amount of your greenery to your existing landscape is good for the environment. Greenery in your yard is also very efficient in filtering out pollutants from the water. They also reduce runoff and soil erosion during extreme weather events.

3. You can save natural resources

While green patches of grass look great in your yard, they suck up a lot of water and waste a lot of resources. Instead, you can save more resources by adopting xeriscaping. It’s a landscaping method that requires little to no water. This is especially great for dry climates and places that are running short of water. You also save a significant amount of money on utility bills and fertilizer costs. There’s no need to waste money on trimmers, lawnmowers, and other yard equipment.

4. Improved quality of life

Landscaping also improves your quality of life. That relaxing feeling you get when you’re spending time in nature isn’t just a placebo. Research shows that plants, animals, and spending more time in nature have a profound effect on the human brain and behavior. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and fuels your creativity, attention capacity, and ability to socialize with more people.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests that you spend more time outdoors and improve the space to make it more enjoyable. Whether you’re planning on adding new flower beds, green patches, water features, or any other landscape enhancement, it’s always going to be beneficial for you.

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