If you are planning your home decor, consider adding a private room where you can do anything. According to interior design service providers, private rooms can prove to be very beneficial. To begin with, it will be a separate space for yourself where you will be able to focus without distractions. Moreover, you will be able to use the space to keep things hidden when required. For instance, you can keep weapons or liquor hidden in that room away from your kids. Just make sure that the door stays completely hidden so that no one can find the door. Also, you will be able to store your valuables in this room and keep them safe from burglars.

If you are not sure about how to keep the door completely hidden, here are a few ideas you can consider:

01 of 06 Bookshelf hidden door

Do you love reading and have a bookshelf in your home? You can use it to create a hidden room. The bookshelf will act as a door that will allow you to visit a secret room behind it. Although this will work if you have just one bookshelf in the room, it is always better to turn one into a door when you have more bookshelves around it. It helps to create a more seamless look and ensures that the bookshelf door stays completely unnoticeable. Further, a bookshelf door is more than a door. It helps in space management and increases the functionality of the space by allowing you to store books on the shelves.

02 of 06 Add a simple panel door

A bookshelf door is great for your room but can occupy extra space. If you feel that your room is small and a bookshelf door will make the interiors appear cluttered, you can consider choosing a simple panel door. It will allow you to create an entryway without sacrificing additional free space. Moreover, it has a versatile look that makes it an ideal choice for all types of home decor. Just make sure to add wall panels as well so that the panel door stays completely hidden in its surroundings.

03 of 06 Hidden door for the space under the staircase

In most homes, the space under the stairs is not used properly. According to interior design service providers, it can make the space appear blank and dull. Moreover, you should make use of free space efficiently in small homes. This is why you should use that space for a particular purpose. For instance, many people convert the area into a nice storage space. However, the storage space can make the area appear cluttered. You can take care of the issue simply by creating a door for your storage. Choose a hidden door that will blend in with the surroundings perfectly and stay hidden. The area will not appear cluttered anymore.

04 of 06 Farmhouse hidden door

You will notice a farmhouse interior design in many homes. Interior design service providers say people love it because of its warm and cosy appearance. If you want to create a hidden door in this home design, you will have to put in a little effort. Create shelves on the door and set a few decor pieces on them. This will help to trick the eyes of the visitors and keep the door hidden. Moreover, it will add more visual interest to the space and ensure your home interiors appear appealing. If you feel this door design is heavy and cannot move it easily, you can install wheels for smooth movement.

05 of 06 Wallpapered hidden door

Do you want to give your home interior design an artistic touch while creating a hidden door? In that case, you can surely opt for wallpapers for your home. Wallpapers are available in many designs, colours, and patterns. You can choose any option to create an accent wall in the room. While you are at it, you should also use wallpaper to hide the door on the wall. It will help to create a seamless look and elevate the aesthetic beauty of the space at the same time. Just make sure that the wallpaper design complements the theme of your home interiors.

06 of 06 Sliding hidden door

You will find sliding door designs in modern homes. They are perfect for increasing the functionality of the space without sacrificing additional space. People love the simple and sleek design of sliding doors. Its minimalist design makes it a great option for creating hidden doors. Create shelves on the sliding door so that you can store various items like books, decor items, etc. This will allow you to create more storage space in your home as well. People with small homes can consider this option for creating a hidden door at home.

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