You want to make an estimate for the cleaning of your offices in Paris and do not know how to go about it?

Simple comparison or real desire to change your cleaning business, it is important to understand the different essential elements that contribute to the development of a cleaning quote that precisely meets the needs of your business.

The basic elements of a cleaning quote for your premises

There are a large number of cleaning companies on the market and it is sometimes difficult for users to understand the elements that make up an estimate for the cleaning of their professional premises.

The current economic situation and the COVID period accentuate the need for cleaning companies and the “price war” between cleaning companies, which has already been underway for a long time in this sector.

But before buying a price, you have to understand how it is calculated. Here are the founding criteria of the price that makes up an estimate for the cleaning of your premises

The surface

Delimiting the space to be maintained is essential for designing a good cleaning estimate. The intervention of the maintenance agent is defined by work rates according to the tasks to be carried out and the coatings encountered. These rates are calculated in M²: 300 M² / hour to clean offices with carpeted floors, for example. It is therefore important to know or have the surface area of ​​your premises assessed. A professional cleaning company must be able to measure your premises using the laser rangefinder.

The type of intervention

A one-off intervention to strip your floors or maintain your Parisian offices once a week, the price for the intervention varies between a one-off and recurring service. A fixed price is then defined according to your need in the frequency of cleaning intervention:

The fixed price for the intervention , for a one-off service

The monthly fixed price , for a recurring contractual service

Talking about an hourly cost is not in favor of the client, a cleaning company must guarantee an obligation of result and not an obligation of means. Cleaning your offices in 2 or 4 hours is not a panacea for the customer but for the cleaning service provider for the compliance of the service to be performed.

The tasks to be carried out

Disinfect contact points every day and clean windows once a quarter? The specifications are the common thread of the tasks to be carried out, description of the tasks and frequency are to be determined with precision to meet your needs. They are included in the calculation of the work rates of the maintenance worker: tasks to be carried out, on what area .

The duration of commitment

Non-binding contract or one-year contract, the duration of the commitment can vary the cost of a cleaning contract. A one-off service will always cost more than a contractual service, committing to a one-year period can allow you to save a lot of money.

The quality of services

The services offered and especially their quality can change from one office cleaning company to another. Instead of rushing to sign a contract with a given company, you must take the time to learn about the services included in the commercial proposal.

6 Common Sense Tips for Getting a Proper Quote from a Cleaning Company

Make 3 quotes to compare the different providers. No more, otherwise you will risk getting lost. And less than 3 quotes, you will not have an overall view of the cleaning solutions offered for your premises.

Beware of too low prices, often synonymous with sloppy quality. Cleaners are first and foremost women and men, not machines. Better to look for the right price, guarantee of a constant and efficient quality of service.

Customer reference, trial period are among the levers at your disposal to reassure you and choose well

Internet is magnificent, you have the possibility to request your quotes online . Prefer the realization of the estimate after the visit of your premises to avoid surprises such as over-invoicing…

Consult the reviews by doing a little tour on the internet. However, you should keep in mind that some forum reviews are unreliable. Moreover, some recent structures that are not yet very visible on the net offer top-of-the-range services at the best price. You therefore risk missing out on an interesting offer.

Asking the cleaning company for their percentage of satisfied customers is much safer. A high satisfaction rate guarantees you top-of-the-range services, meeting the needs and requirements of companies

As you will have understood, achieving an optimal cleaning estimate is not just a question of price. Whether for a one-off or regular intervention, the choice of the cleaning company is crucial.

The cleaning professions are very difficult professions, the partnership with your cleaning company must above all include a quality commitment , but also a human one in order to guarantee its smooth running over time and an unfailing dedication to the height of a real service company.

You now have all the keys to choosing your Parisian office cleaning company in the best condition

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